Ten Ways to Use Battery Correctly

by:Power Kingdom     2021-04-28
First, identify the letters on the battery when buying a battery. Anything with the QA letter is a dry-charge battery.   Second, when adding electrolyte, shake the electrolyte before adding it to the battery, and be careful not to splash the electrolyte on your hands and clothes.   Third, for batteries without a marking line, the electrolyte can be added to a height of 10 to 15 mm above the plate; for batteries with two red lines, the electrolyte must not exceed the upper red line.  Some drivers think that the more electrolyte is added, the greater the battery will be. This is wrong. When a car is driving at a high speed, the generator rotates at a high speed; its generating capacity is greater than that of the battery, and it starts to charge the battery. At this time, the electrolyte will expand. If the electrolyte is too full, it will overflow from the small hole in the battery cover. The electrolyte is conductive. Once the electrolyte flows between the positive and negative poles, it will form a self-discharge, the car will not start, and shorten the battery life. In this case, use cotton wool to wipe off the electrolyte. If it is too sticky and difficult to wipe off, rinse with boiling water. Fourth, do not allow other substances to fall into the battery when adding liquid. If any substances fall out, do not use metal substances to catch them. Use dry wooden sticks to clamp out impurities, such as iron or copper wires to remove metal molecules. It will enter the battery under the corrosion of acid to form self-discharge and damage the battery. Fifth, check whether the small holes on the battery cover are ventilated during normal driving. If the small holes on the battery cover are blocked, the hydrogen and oxygen produced cannot be discharged. When the electrolyte expands, the battery shell will be broken and the battery life will be reduced. .   Sixth, the level of electrolyte should be checked frequently, and electrolyte should be added in time. When adding replenishing liquid to the battery in winter, it is best to add it after the car is started and when the engine is running to prevent the electrolyte from freezing.   Seventh, a car that has not been used for a long time should be started every 25 days or so, and the middle speed should be controlled by the accelerator for about 20 minutes. Otherwise, it will be left for too long and the car will not start when the car is in use.   Eighth, when removing the battery from the car, first remove the negative electrode and then the positive electrode. The opposite is true when installing. When charging, the battery cover must be unscrewed. Do not use a hand with an open flame to approach the battery port being charged, because the hydrogen generated in the battery during charging can easily deflagrate, blow up the battery, and the electrolyte will hurt people. Ninth, do not just replace the car with a battery with a larger capacity than the original battery, because the generator on the car has a fixed power generation and the power generation will not increase. If the battery is replaced with a large capacity battery, the new battery will be undercharged. The car can't start smoothly, and the battery breaks faster due to long-term loss of electricity. Tenth, when starting the car, the starting time should not exceed 3-5 seconds, and the interval between restarts should not be less than 15 seconds. If the car can not be started after multiple starts, the starting circuit, such as the starter pull coil and ignition circuit, etc. Look for the reason.
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