The lead-acid battery enterprise threshold would push up -Shenzhen Power Kingdom Co., Ltd.
by:Power Kingdom
Because our country is a lead-acid battery production country, in recent years, the rapid development of the lead-acid battery and recycling link exists serious lack of standard problem, so the lead-acid battery pollution to the environment also is a major concern.
The lead-acid battery technology policy lead-acid battery production alloy cadmium, arsenic production technology should be adopted.
Elimination of toxic and harmful lead and cadmium alloys, promote the use of lead calcium alloy such as environmental protection.
As early as May 2012 published 'the lead battery industry access conditions' regulation, the rules explicitly pointed out that the existing cadmium content is higher than 0.
002% of lead battery and lead parts production capacity should be eliminated in December 31, 2013, the lead battery industry will gradually conquer no cadmium era.
The policy of lead-acid battery technology is put forward to achieve cleaner production level of lead-acid battery production enterprises and the secondary lead enterprises accounted for over 70% of the total number of enterprises 60%, respectively;
All non-hazardous disposal of waste lead slag, lead smelting metal recovery is greater than 97%.
By 2020, the clean production of secondary level of lead-acid battery production and secondary lead enterprises accounted for over 85% of the total number of enterprises 80%, respectively.
In addition, the policy of lead-acid battery technology for lead-acid battery in the process of production to the requirements of producing clean, prevent the air pollution, water pollution, solid waste disposal and comprehensive utilization of has the improvement of the standard strictly.
The rules also encourage producer responsibility lead-acid battery system, based on enterprise's own sales channels of waste lead acid battery recycling system, can also entrust a hazardous waste operating permit renewable for the lead-acid battery enterprise waste lead-acid batteries for recycling.
The environmental protection department of the formulation of the policy of lead-acid battery technology is mainly put forward strict requirements and regeneration of lead-acid battery production industry, promote the industry to improve environmental barriers to entry, eliminate backward production capacity of enterprises, improve the level of industry technology, guide the establishment and perfection of the risk prevention mechanism.
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