National ministry of industry policy department - to visit long battery industry development-Power Kingdom

by:Power Kingdom     2020-08-25
On December 1st, the national ministry of industry policy department, deputy director of the zhejiang changxing XinRen week inspection. Changxing county party committee and the standing accompanied by Goldman sachs, deputy head of China. B line has visits the peace day, inc. , new energy high-tech zone program to headquarters and small creek industrial area day PuLang mountain park amd power co. , LTD. Members of our investigation process, study the transformation and upgrading of our county in recent years, the battery industry and the achievements of new energy industry. My county since 2006 has carried out two major battery clampdown, 175 enterprises from the original to now 30, all concentrated in the area, and do the layout of the park, the enterprise scale, process automation, plant ecology, 120, eliminate backward production lines. In recent years, adhere to the scientific development of battery industry, will close down backward production facilities and construction of modern production base, the combination of the whole industry got the healthy and orderly development, formed from the old battery recycling, raw materials processing, production, sales and design research and development of a complete industrial chain, to become a modern transformation and upgrading of industrial cluster in zhejiang province demonstration area, with green power energy center in China, the Chinese industrial cluster brand 'top 50' and other honorary titles. Details about changxi, battery industry group, said will be positive for the encouragement, help changxing automation production equipment research and development and increase the backward production capacity, work of policy support.
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