
Low-carbon environmental protection road for battery companies

by:Power Kingdom     2021-04-22
From the current point of view, battery companies take the low-carbon circular economy route, and it is the most sensible and necessary to achieve low-carbon environmental protection.   It is the fact that Chinese enterprises do not pay attention to the strategic model, which leads to the discordant situation of strong products and weak brands. Therefore, strategic innovation is a link to remember to pay attention to in the new era.  Why strategic innovation is the necessary way for enterprise development? Perhaps in a relatively narrow market, the strategic model is not the most important, but for this completely open international market, strategic innovation means being able to better integrate with international companies. Companies in Europe, the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries attach great importance to the development model of their companies. This is also the main reason why these countries tend to become major brands while my country is easily reduced to a major manufacturing country.   The higher the technical requirements of enterprises for storage batteries, the more intense the international competition, especially when new energy vehicles become the competition targets, the development of storage batteries will be more open, which also brings about the development of the industry.   Foreign companies with strong technical strength invaded, the domestic market was eaten up, and at the same time, the road to internationalization of battery companies became more difficult.
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