Lifelong system of lead-acid battery companies will be broken

by:Power Kingdom     2021-04-19
After the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology promulgated the 'Administrative Measures for the Admission Announcement of the Lead Storage Battery Industry   Shanghai Nonferrous Metals has learned that after the 'Administrative Measures' is released, companies that meet the requirements must apply to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Environmental Protection will review the companies that pass the review. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Environmental Protection jointly announce the list of companies. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology implements dynamic management of lead storage battery companies that have entered the access announcement list. It is understood that the validity period of these qualified enterprises’ access qualifications is 4 years. Those who continue to engage in the production of lead-acid batteries after the validity period expires shall submit an application for renewal of the access qualification to the local provincial industry and information department within 3 months before the expiration of the validity period, and conduct the approval process. Re-qualification review. In addition, relevant departments will conduct random inspections from time to time.  Shanghai believes that the pollution problem in the lead-acid battery industry is not only a “focus” of social concern, but also a stumbling block to the development of the industry. In the future, the lead-acid battery industry will be more strictly managed.
Shenzhen Power Kingdom Co., Ltd. has an array of branches in domestic for munufacturing sealed lead acid battery.
Satisfying our customers with the appropriate level of quality is a primary goal and a fundamental element as sealed lead acid battery of our business mission.
Shenzhen Power Kingdom Co., Ltd. , a manufacturer of sealed lead acid battery, might emphasize less hassle or less wasted time rather than emphasizing reliability or quality.
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