
Lead battery production to add 3 into - during the first half of 2012-Power Kingdom

by:Power Kingdom     2020-09-02
In June, according to relevant data of domestic lead battery output of 16. 83 million KVAH, from 9. 76%, an increase of more than seventy percent, in the first half of the total output of 83. 72 million KVAH, year-on-year growth of nearly thirty percent. June domestic lead battery production points from increase, with the Shanghai metals lead battery capacity utilization survey data, according to data in type power batteries gradually enter the peak season in June, domestic lead battery enterprise overall capacity utilization is modestly in May 1. 4%, to 64. 32%. Production in June year-on-year growth there are three main reasons. Lead battery industry because of the same period of last year are greatly influenced by the special environmental protection check, monthly production is 9. 65 million KVAH, only the lowest throughout the year; Because of large capacity expansion lead battery company. Such as day, amd, camels, and other enterprises are from last year implemented a new factory, mergers and acquisitions and a series of measures of capacity expansion; Three is because export demand. Customs data show that in June the battery export 15 million, year-on-year growth of 50%. From different province, zhejiang, hebei, shandong, respectively for 3. 38 million KVAH, 2. 61 million KVAH and 2. 07 million KVAH in the top three, three provinces in several accounts for about half of the total national output. Among them, zhejiang year-on-year increase in 3. 58 times, hebei 1-6. 2 times, shandong increased 48%.
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