
Lead battery industry emissions' threshold '-Shenzhen Power Kingdom Co., Ltd.

by:Power Kingdom     2020-03-13
Combining the reality of Shanghai, the new standard for lead battery enterprises producing pollution, pollution characteristics, puts forward more strict control on fugitive emissions requirements. For example, the new standard, factory bound of lead pollutants concentration requirements from 6 micrograms per cubic meter is tightened up to 1 microgram per cubic meter. According to the municipal environmental protection bureau and technology concerned personage introduction, the new standard on the basis of optimal control technology, the discharge of major pollutants index compared with existing national standards tighten sharply. For example, went out of the chimney emission of waste gas, concentration of lead and its compounds from 0. 7 mg/m3 tighten up to 0. 1 mg/m3, tighten around 85%; Particle concentration requirements from 120 mg/m3 is tightened up to 20 mg/cubic meter. These will & other; Reversed transmission & throughout; Enterprises to update equipment, technology improvement to control the pollutant discharge. In order to further strengthen the Shanghai lead pollution prevention and control system, avoid lead pollution similar incidents, the city environmental protection bureau, municipal bureau of quality and technical supervision jointly established the Shanghai local environmental protection standard atmospheric pollutant emission standard 'the lead battery industry. The reporter learns from the municipal environmental protection bureau, the mandatory standard will take effect on August 1.
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