How to determine the capacity of the battery according to the current?

by:Power Kingdom     2021-06-29
Tags: How to determine the capacity of the battery according to the current? There are many types of accumulators on the market, each of which has a discharge characteristic. We need to decide how many capacity batteries to use based on this discharge characteristic. Let's take a look at the discharge characteristic diagram of the medium-sized sealed battery: From the diagram, we can see that the termination voltage of the battery is different for different discharge currents (1C represents 1*N, and N is the capacity of the battery). The smaller the discharge current, the greater the end voltage of the battery. Conversely, the greater the discharge current, the lower the end voltage of the battery. Let’s take an example. A battery is 14.3V when it is fully charged. If it is discharged with a discharge current of 0.05C, it should be discharged for a long time in theory, but we can see from the picture that the discharge is actually only more than 20. It can't be put in an hour. Therefore, we need to choose the capacity of the battery very carefully. The battery must maintain a process of charging and discharging, and cannot only discharge without charging for a long time.
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