Five misunderstandings of battery maintenance!
by:Power Kingdom
Misunderstanding 1: When using maintenance-free batteries, simply think that maintenance-free means that there is no need for any maintenance. Misunderstanding 2: If there is corrosion on the surface of the battery pole post terminal, it does not need to be treated, as long as it is not loosened. Corrosion appears on the exterior, and the inner surface of the terminal will also corrode, which will increase the resistance value and affect the normal charging and discharging of the battery. It must be dealt with in time. Misunderstanding 3: When the liquid level is low, add electrolyte or add pure water instead of distilled water. If the electrolyte containing sulfuric acid is added, the electrolyte concentration inside the battery will increase, boiling, acid fog, etc. may occur, which will seriously affect the service life of the battery; use pure drinking water instead of distilled water, which contains a variety of trace elements , Has an adverse effect on the battery. Misunderstanding 4: The density of the electrolyte is not inspected and adjusted, especially when winter comes, resulting in insufficient battery capacity and even freezing of the electrolyte. Misunderstanding 5: When using the battery to start in winter, use the starter uninterruptedly, causing the battery to be damaged due to excessive discharge.
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