Daily maintenance and maintenance of battery - without maintenance-Power Kingdom

by:Power Kingdom     2020-08-28
Battery consists of ordinary, dry battery charge battery and three types of maintenance free storage battery. One in all of us are familiar with basic is ordinary passenger car to use battery storage battery and maintenance-free battery, two classes. Sales on the market at present most of the models are adopted and maintenance-free battery, maintenance free storage battery, as the name suggests the biggest characteristics is & other; Free maintenance & throughout; 。 And ordinary than its electrolyte battery consumption is very small, in the service life of the basic don't need to add distilled water. It also has a shock resistant, high temperature resistant, small volume, the characteristics of uniformity. Maintenance-free storage battery, in order to avoid the daily maintenance and maintenance of the exhaust system design and common battery have obvious difference, so in theory does not need often add distilled water or electrolyte, ordinary battery is marked by the top six can be unscrewed the plastic sealed cover, above the vent. The hermetic seal is used for filling, check the electrolyte and emissions. According to the theory, each time the common battery need maintenance to check the height of the electrolyte, if there is a lack of need to add distilled water. But with the upgrade of battery manufacturing technology, common the maintenance of the battery is no longer a complex. Maintenance-free storage battery, in order to avoid the daily maintenance and maintenance of the exhaust system design and common battery have obvious difference, so in theory often does not need to add distilled water or electrolyte.
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