What is the warranty period of Youyitai's 12V lead-acid battery?

by:Power Kingdom     2021-06-21
Label: Youyitai’s 12V lead-acid battery has two types of warranty. One type is small lead-acid batteries (4AH, 7AH, 12AH, 17AH). Such batteries are guaranteed for one year under normal use without human damage. The other type is medium and large lead-acid batteries (24AH, 38AH, 65AH, 100AH, 200AH). Such batteries are guaranteed for three years under normal conditions of normal use if they are not damaged by humans. The above two are only for the normal warranty period. If used properly, the battery life will be longer. Medium and large lead-acid batteries can even be used for four to five years. If you want to extend the life of lead-acid batteries, you should pay attention to the following points: 1. Battery temperature and ambient temperature. Pay attention to the high temperature of the battery during use. Studies have shown that the battery temperature is higher than the normal use temperature of 5 ℃, the battery life will be reduced by 10% 2. Whether the battery is charged correctly, the correct charging method and charger are important ways to extend the life of lead-acid batteries. 3. In the design of equipment using lead-acid batteries, the number of batteries connected in series in some equipment is incorrect, so that the battery voltage is too high and the battery life will be affected.
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