Solar battery great breakthrough - 2011-Power Kingdom
by:Power Kingdom
By a large number of applications in the world is a battery energy storage system, but the large power grid solar battery is usually quite expensive.
2011 solar battery, wind and other renewable energy took tremendous progress, and will continue until 2012.
In fact, 2012 is likely to be renewable energy began with traditional fossil fuel fierce fighting for a year.
By a large number of applications in the world is a battery energy storage system, but the large power grid solar battery is usually quite expensive.
According to the electric power research institute (
Energy storage research project manager Haresh Kamath, small batteries for mobile phones and MP3 a lot of research work has been completed.
Applicable to the industry research is now being applied in the power grid storage battery.
Large power grid solar battery has been discussed for several years, and it is a very popular ideas, in fact, the grid storage battery market will be worth $30 billion/year, of course, not necessarily deliver tomorrow.
But as the abundance of mature technology and experience, in the next 10 years solar battery market will reach another level.
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