Question: Can the battery run below minus 30°C?

by:Power Kingdom     2021-06-22
Label: Q: Can the battery run below minus 30°C? Question: I see the technical documents of the battery, the general use environment is -20℃ to 50℃. But in our north, it will reach -30℃ in many cases. In this case, can the battery still be used? Answer: Please follow the instructions to use the battery in a normal use environment. The lower the ambient temperature, the lower the battery capacity will be, and it will affect the battery's activity. Although the maintenance-free lead-acid battery is a lean-liquid battery, it will eventually produce liquid. If the temperature is too low, the liquid will solidify and thus cannot operate normally. I suggest that you use gel batteries. Gel batteries have a longer environmental temperature adaptability than lead-acid batteries and have a larger temperature range. The following is the change of lead-acid battery capacity under different ambient temperatures. Ambient temperature -20℃-10℃0℃5℃10℃20℃25℃30℃40℃45℃ Battery capacity 12V50%68%78%83%90%98% 100% 102% 104% 105%
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