Overview of the types of storage batteries used in various industries

by:Power Kingdom     2021-07-18

  Overview of battery types in various industries:

  Mobile company: base station batteries'>Batteries are the main battery, each base station has one or two sets of spare batteries, mainly 2V , 300AH, 400AH, 500AH, 24 units in each group; batteries used in the computer room are generally: 1000AH, 2000AH, 3000AH battery packs, 24 units in each group;    China Unicom: base station batteries, Each base station has one or two backup batteries, mainly 2V, 300AH, 400AH, 500AH, each group has 24 cells, the computer room battery is generally: 1000AH battery pack;

   Netcom and Telecom companies: Mainly used to use computer rooms and access points. According to the capacity of each site, it is divided into two categories:

   The first category: higher power sites use battery packs , Mainly 2V, mainly 500AH and 1000AH, and 200AH, 300AH, 1200AH battery packs, each with 24 pieces;

   The second category: use battery packs in power stations , Mainly 12V, mainly 100Ah and 200AH, there are also 65AH, 38AH battery packs, each group of 4, each base station has multiple groups, generally 2≤6 groups;

  Financial system: UPS power supply battery for business network, mainly 12V, 100Ah and 65AH, generally 2≤4 groups per network.

   Power system: mainly battery packs used in substations, generally 2V, 200AH, 300AH, 400AH, 500AH, 110 blocks per group, based on 110,000V substation, Some of the larger substations have two groups; the smaller substations also have 12V, 100-200AH, and 18 pieces in series. In addition, power dispatch centers, dedicated communications networks, and power plants also have many battery packs for backup or control. Contact: 18038382979


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