Method of testing the internal resistance of lead-acid batteries

by:Power Kingdom     2021-06-20
Label: There are several factors that affect the internal resistance of lead-acid batteries. In addition to the resistance of the physical connection, the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte, and the electrochemical process that occurs on the surface of the plate, multi-cell lead-acid batteries, such as 12V batteries, have internal 6 small cells, each cell voltage is 2 volts, the connection between cells will also affect the internal resistance of the battery. Knowing the factors that affect the internal resistance of the battery, the resistance can be measured by the following techniques: 1. The conductivity can be tested by applying a voltage of known frequency and amplitude to a battery to test the change in current flowing through the battery , Conductance is the ratio of the AC component and the voltage amplitude in the same phase. 2. Impedance measurement can be done by applying a current signal of known frequency and amplitude to the battery, and then measuring the AC voltage drop generated on a single cell or a whole group of batteries. The AC voltage is measured by the positive and negative terminals of a single battery or the smallest cell. Then use Ohm's law to calculate the resulting impedance. The calculation is done automatically by the meter. 3. Resistance measurement is to apply a load to the lead-acid battery, and then measure the voltage and current flowing through the various stages of the battery. Divide the rate of change of voltage by the rate of change of current to get an ohm.
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