Gel-sealed lead-acid batteries face great development opportunities-colloid-sealed lead-acid batteries

by:Power Kingdom     2021-04-22
Gel-sealed lead storage batteries and power batteries will face great development opportunities. New energy development, including colloidal storage batteries, nuclear power, wind energy, solar energy, and biomass energy, will upgrade traditional energy sources, clean coal, smart grids, and the industrialization of electric vehicles.   The National Energy Administration and other relevant departments are preparing the 'Twelfth Five-Year' energy development plan, and the 'Emerging Energy Industry Development Plan' will be announced soon. The planning period is 2011-2020. The cumulative increase in direct investment during the planning period is expected to reach 5 trillion yuan, with an average annual output value of 1.5 trillion yuan. The plan has been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission and will be reported to the State Council in accordance with relevant procedures.   Starter gel-sealed lead storage battery is mainly used in automobile starting. This technology can also be applied to energy storage and other fields. It belongs to the new energy industry, reduces environmental pollution, conforms to the national industrial policy, and its technology has reached the leading domestic level.   Starter type gel-sealed lead storage battery uses water-soluble silica sol to be added to the internalized battery. Through a specific charging method, the electrolyte is gelled and the related performance of the battery is improved. The colloidal sealed lead storage battery has been tested by the national authority, and some indicators are higher than the national standard.
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