Electric vehicle battery maintenance knowledge quiz

by:Power Kingdom     2021-04-28
The precautions for using the battery are as follows:    1. Do not change the charger casually, and do not remove the speed limit of the controller.    Each manufacturer's charger generally has individual requirements. Do not change the charger at will when you are not sure. If the continuation mileage is relatively long, and multiple chargers must be equipped for charging in different places, the charger that supplements the charge during the day should be supplemented with a supplementary charger, and the original charger should be used at night. Removing the speed limit of the controller, although it can increase the speed of some cars, in addition to reducing the safety of the car, it will also reduce the service life of the battery.  2. Protect the charger.    There are instructions on protecting the charger in the general operating instructions. Many users do not have the habit of reading the manual, and often think of looking for the manual after the problem. It is often too late, so it is very necessary to read the manual first. In order to reduce costs, the current chargers are basically not designed with high vibration resistance. In this way, the chargers are generally not placed in the trunk and basket of the electric bicycle. Under special circumstances, it must be moved, and the charger must be packed with foam to prevent vibration. After many chargers undergo vibration, their internal potentiometers will drift, causing the entire parameters to drift, resulting in abnormal charging status. Another thing to note is to keep the charger ventilated when charging, otherwise it will not only affect the life of the charger, but also may cause thermal drift and affect the charging state. This will damage the battery. Therefore, it is also very important to protect the charger.  3. Charge it every day   Even if your continuation capacity is not long, you can use it for 2 to 3 days with a single charge, but it is recommended that you charge it every day, so that the battery is in a shallow cycle state, and the battery life will be prolonged. Some early mobile phone users think that it is best to charge the battery after it is basically used up. This view is wrong. The memory benefit of lead-acid batteries is not so strong. Frequent discharge of electricity has a greater impact on the life of the battery. In most chargers, after the indicator light changes to indicate a full charge, the battery charge may be 97% to 99%. Although only 1% to 3% of the battery is under-charged, the impact on the ability to continue running is almost negligible, but under-charge accumulation will also be formed. Therefore, after the battery is fully charged and changed to light, continue to float as much as possible, which is also useful for suppressing battery vulcanization. have benefits.  4. Charge in time   The vulcanization process started after the battery was discharged, and obvious vulcanization appeared after 12 hours. Charging in time can remove the less serious vulcanization. If not charging in time, these vulcanized crystals will accumulate and gradually form coarse crystals. General chargers are powerless to these coarse crystals, which will gradually reduce the battery capacity and shorten the time. The service life of the battery. Therefore, in addition to daily charging, we must also pay attention to charging as soon as possible after use, so that the battery power is as full as possible.  5. Regular deep discharge    A regular deep discharge of the battery is also conducive to 'activating' the battery, which can slightly increase the capacity of the battery. The general method is to fully discharge the battery periodically. The method of full discharge is to ride the bike under normal load conditions on a flat road to the first undervoltage protection. Note that we especially emphasize the first undervoltage protection. After the battery is under-voltage protection for the first time, after a period of time, the battery voltage will rise and return to the non-under-voltage state. At this time, if the battery is used again, it will be very harmful to the battery. After the complete discharge is completed, the battery is fully charged. You will feel that the battery capacity has improved.  6. u200bu200bDevelop some good habit of saving electricity   use taxi as much as possible. When going downhill, take advantage of the advance power off and coast down as much as possible. When you are about to encounter a traffic light, enter the taxi in advance to minimize braking. A friend told me that he would rather turn the bay one more time to reduce the brakes, which makes sense. When starting, it is best to add riding assistance, not only can increase the starting speed, but also reduce battery power loss and life damage.  7. Pay attention to the charging environment  The best environment temperature for charging is 25℃. Now most chargers do not have an automatic control system that adapts to the ambient temperature, so most chargers are designed according to the ambient temperature of 25°C, so charging at 25°C is better. Otherwise, it is inevitable that there will be problems of undercharging in winter and overcharging in summer. When the ambient temperature is really 25°C, it is relatively low, so there will inevitably be the problem of overcharging in summer and undercharging in winter. Fortunately, most households now have the conditions for indoor temperature regulation. In this way, when charging, it is best to arrange the battery and charger in a ventilated and temperature-regulated environment.  It is specially reminded that when the battery is in the northern winter and enters a warm indoor at a low temperature outside, frost and condensation will appear on the surface of the battery. In order to avoid battery leakage caused by frost and condensation, you should charge the battery after the battery temperature rises to close to the indoor temperature and is dry.  
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