Analysis of the basic parameters of UPS uninterruptible power supply

by:Power Kingdom     2021-06-23
Label: Uninterruptible Power Supply (UninterruptiblePowerSupply) The common UPS power supplies on the market mainly include online (OnLine) and backup (OffLine). The principle of UPS power supply is that when the equipment or environment is powered off, the system will automatically switch to the UPS power supply. The equipment that will be powered off can continue to be used normally. The general use range is used for computer systems, process control of production lines, remote communication, and medical treatment. Equipment, airports, banking systems, etc. The basic parameters of UPS uninterruptible power supply:    (1) Load load can be divided into three types, 10kV·A or less is small load, 10~60kV·A is medium load, and 60kV·A or more is heavy load.  (2) Harmonic content (distortion) of the output voltage. Harmonic voltage will cause noise to the reference voltage in the circuit and the logic circuit operating at low voltage.  (3) Step load When a part of the load is switched on or off, it will cause a step change in the load. Because the UPS cannot instantly correct this sudden change in current, the output voltage will change accordingly. Because of the small load, only a few devices are connected, sometimes a 100% step load will appear. The step of medium load does not exceed 50%. The large load can only appear in the step load exceeding z5% under abnormal operating conditions. The general inverter design can meet the step load of less than 25%.  (4) Non-linear load refers to inductive load or capacitive load. In computer systems, nonlinear loads are mainly hosts, printers (especially laser printers) and display terminals; linear loads are mainly disk and tape devices. Generally, small loads are non-linear loads; medium loads are linear and non-linear loads are similar or one of them is slightly larger; and large loads are generally linear loads, because large loads are composed of multiple devices, one after another during operation, and the overall load looks relatively large stable.  (5) Efficiency For a large system, the efficiency must be high enough. For example, if a 125kV·A UPS has an efficiency of only 85%, the annual additional cost is equivalent to 30% of the initial investment.   (6) Volume Small and medium-sized UPS require the volume to be as small as possible.   (7) Noise The noise level of UPS uninterruptible power supply should not exceed the noise level required by the environment where it is located.
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